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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yesterday morning Cullen woke up and advised me that he would be wearing big boy underwear to daycare! Since we haven't been working on potty training I was quite surprised. Don't misunderstand me, he does know about pottying since he has a big sister and he has even shown some interest from time to time sitting on the potty and coincidentally having good timing and actually using it twice. However, it is not something I've tried to get him to do other than encouraging that one day he will get to use the potty and be a big boy with big boy undies and all that. I don't stress about potty training though because I don't feel like it's worth it. You can't "make" someone go potty so what the use in stressing out a kid until they are ready? Just my opinion! Anyway, I digress! My point is that he must want to go now because he wore big boy underwear ALL DAY LONG yesterday without any accidents!!! When I went to get him I was fully expecting him to be wearing his spare outfit and when I saw he had on the same clothes from the morning I just stood there in the doorway of his classroom stunned. I asked the teacher if he had on a diaper and when she said no it was like I had won the lottery. I scooped Cullen up and told him how proud I was of him and went on and on to everyone in the room and then every person that walked in. Almost every person we passed on the way out got a report on Cullen's achievement for the day (we do live in a small town and yes I was talking to people that I knew)! I'm sure everyone thought I was nuts but I didn't care, I was a proud mommy and a shocked mommy. . .my kid potty trained himself! What's even more comical and puzzling to me about the whole thing is the way the teacher said the acted during the day. She said that morning they asked him not long after he got there if he needed to use the potty and Cullen held up his little hand and said "not right now" and then about half an hour later the teacher saw the bathroom door opened and walked in to find Cullen sitting on the potty. She said they just couldn't believe that he did it and then continued the whole day. He is such a strong willed child and this is just another example for me of what a blessing that can be!

When we got into the car I continued to praise Cullen's new accomplishments and told him that we needed to share his news. Immediately he started listing off all the people he wanted to know about his potty success. I grabbed the cell phone and called Tripp and then my Dad and Cullen told him and then I heard Cullen say "Amazing". I assumed at first that my Dad had responded to Cullen that way and that Cullen was just repeating it but after I asked my Dad and he said that he had not said that to Cullen I realized just how proud of himself Cullen really was. . .he was AMAZED!!!
I am too!


befruitfulandmultiply said...

YAY CULLEN!!! Please tell him that Little Tripp and I are SOOOOOOOO very proud of him! He is SUCH a big boy!