? ??????????????Black and White Dj? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??4 Grabs Today. 212 Total Grabs
. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????My World (Abstract)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??4 Grabs Today. 53 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1 CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Strange Dream

Emerson has recently realized that she is having dreams. Obviously she's had them before but she's never vocalized what they were about until now. Most mornings she gets up and comes to see me while I'm putting on my make up and she tells me about her dream from the night before. This morning was no exception. She comes and plops down on the rug in the bathroom and says:

"Last night I dreamed that my kids (she thinks she's a teacher) got tattoos. They all took their shirts off and put them in their cubbies and got tattoos on their backs. I painted (she did her raised eyebrow 'wow' look and said it with added inflection) the tattoos on their backs and they had to wait for them to dry."
Is it just me or does that seem a bit odd? Emerson is a 4 year old aspiring teacher/tattoo artist. If this is what she's dreaming at 4 I shudder to think what 14 will bring!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Goodbye Nemo

Last week I started to notice that our beta fish was looking a little pale. I thought maybe he was cold or old or a combo of the two. A few times I noticed him hanging out in his bowl sort of catywompus (as PaPa would say). I would get his attention with a gentle nudge on his bowl and he would start swimming. Then finally the other day I came home from work and was getting supper ready when I reached for the fish food to feed our dear friend only to realize that his little grey body was resting peacefully on the bottom of the bowl. I just left him there for the time being not wanting to have to address it with the kids. I thought I had made it through the evening without anyone noticing when all of the sudden I see Cullen pulling a stool over to the counter for his daily fish feeding time. I rushed over to him as he was dragging the bowl towards him. He was looking for Nemo and kept repeating his normal request "I wanna feed the fish, I wanna feed Nemo". I grabbed the bowl and told him no and of course he cried. I told him Nemo couldn't eat right now. Thankfully Emerson's hearing is affected to the point where she didn't hear me and no questions were asked. After our normal bedtime routine I tucked the kids in and sauntered back to the kitchen where I knew I would have to address the bloated fish. In a very brave moment I poured the fish into the net, did a quick exam, why I don't really know? I guess I thought I was working for the fish CSI lab or something. No, there was no internal exam given! I wasn't about to fillet a beta fish the size of my finger. Anyway, I didn't know what to do with him and I actually briefly thought about putting him in a box and letting the kids bury him. Then I pulled from my own childhood experiences with fish deaths and remembered exactly what we did. . .send him to the big toilet bowl in the sky! Yes, I flushed Nemo! But just like the movie I told him "all drains lead to the ocean, go be free!" Not really, I actually just held my breath and flushed. The next morning rolled around and no mention of the fish. Whew, I thought I had dodged a bullet. Then after work we got home and about an hour went by and Emerson came up to me and asked:
"Where is my fish?"
Me: "huh?" complete avoidance, I thought this tactic might work
Emerson: "You know, my fish, the one named Nemo?" which means "duh, Mom, the same darn fish we've had for a year"
Me: hesitantly "well, Emerson, actually Nemo died"
Emerson: "What did you do with him?"
Me: "ummmm. . .(I was really searching for something but I'm not a good liar so I just said it) I flushed him down the potty" oddly enough I sort of chuckled, how morbid?! Maybe it was one of those "not supposed to laugh at death moments"?
Emerson: "You flushed him down the potty? Which one?" Not sure why that's important?
Me: "mine"
Emerson: "okay" she turns to walk away and chuckles and says as she's walking into the other room in her growny nonchalant way, "You should have just put him in the trash."

Lesson learned: Don't sweat the small stuff, just put it in the trash!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cullen turns 2!

Cullen turned 2 on October 2nd. I really cannot believe that 2 years have flown by. It has truly been a blur. I hope that the next few years slow down a little so I can have time to soak it all in!
Cullen is amazed by the candles!
Blue icing is the best! Playing with the loot. . .Go Diego Go!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Better late than never

I finally took the time to upload a few new pictures. These were taken about a month ago. Here it is 2 weeks into November and I'm just now getting around to posting pumpkin patch pictures. At this rate maybe I'll have up Halloween pictures by Christmas, Thanksgiving pictures by New Year's and Christmas pictures up by Easter!!!

Emerson does this silly smile that cracks me up!

My favorite pic of the day!