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Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay, since my brother just started a blog (woohoo!!!) with a very cute and original name, I got to thinking about the name of my blog. Truth is, I can't even remember it and I'm the author so I figured the same would hold true for the reader. I'm trying to decide what I should rename it. I've been thinking about it for days and can't come up with anything I really like. Soooo, here's where you, the reader, comes into play. I'll take any suggestions you want to give. I've got a couple of ideas but I'll keep them to myself for now so I don't bias your opinions!

Just leave your name ideas as a comment. If you want to remain anonymous that's fine, there is an option on the comment field for that. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Everyone knows someone who pays little attention when you talk to them but then tries to reply to what you were talking about and comes up with something completely absurd based on what they "think" they heard. Well, here's an example of just that. . .

A few days ago as Tripp was studying for his A&P final, Emerson was running around the house trying to get his attention. Of course she was being loud and silly and Tripp was tempted to leave the books to play but they had already had "Daddy play time" and I knew I needed to intervene so that Tripp could study.
So I said, "Emerson, give Daddy some peace and quiet."
She replied, "Let Daddy pee the potty???" (with a very confused look on her face).

Case in point!


Congrats to my very smart husband who made an A in his 4 1/2 week Anatomy and Physiology class with NO prior knowledge of the subject matter. . .one word, WOW!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Little video montage!

Here's a little video montage of the kiddos. These videos prove that Cullen can in fact talk, which is questionable to many since he tends to be quiet in public AND the clip of Emerson really shows her personality to a "T", including an "Emerson original" song with her clumsy little stumble at the end! These clips are about a month or so old, Cullen has really started talking a whole lot more, in simple sentences most often! And Emerson's hair has been cut back into a bob. I'll try to be better about posting pictures and videos.

I hope you all enjoy!!!

Happy Father's Day

There are many things I love about my husband. And one of the biggest ones is the father he is. So here is my "ode to my hubby"! ha ha :)


Although I don't put much stock in the "celebrate someone day so that Hallmark and Russell Stover can make lots of money" days, I thought I would take the aforementioned holiday to express how much I love the father you are.

I love that you love our children! I love that you love them with a child-like fun love that makes them giggle and squeal when you chase them around endlessly. I love that you are silly with them. I love that you are goofy with them even in public places (even when I'm pretending not to know the crazy man singing to the top of his lungs with his 2 very loud children). I love that you smile each day when you come home and see them. I love that no matter how many times they tell you the same joke or play the same silly game that you relish in it. I love that you are patient with them. I love that you want to protect them. I love that you encourage them. I love that you love them enough to discipline them. I love that even though you discipline them you never make them feel like you don't love them. I love that you are their father and that your love for them is so vast that you would do anything for them.

I'm truly so proud of you for all you have done for our family. It hasn't always been easy but you have persevered. I'm proud of you for going back to college to be the non-traditional student that you are! I know your load is a LOT to bear. You work a full-time job, attend college classes and are a husband and father. With your discipline and love for your family you manage to balance your schedule. I know the sacrifice is great at times but I'm proud of you for seeing past the present to the future and working to make that better. You really do inspire me!

Thank you for your dedication to us, our children, your job, your schooling and your future goals. I love you and I'm proud that our children call you "Daddy"!

Happy Father's Day!!!
Cafreene :) xoxo