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Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay, since my brother just started a blog (woohoo!!!) with a very cute and original name, I got to thinking about the name of my blog. Truth is, I can't even remember it and I'm the author so I figured the same would hold true for the reader. I'm trying to decide what I should rename it. I've been thinking about it for days and can't come up with anything I really like. Soooo, here's where you, the reader, comes into play. I'll take any suggestions you want to give. I've got a couple of ideas but I'll keep them to myself for now so I don't bias your opinions!

Just leave your name ideas as a comment. If you want to remain anonymous that's fine, there is an option on the comment field for that. Thanks!!!


Earl Edmunds said...

I like the name of your blog. Don't change it. It is original.

Anonymous said...

i love the name of your blog, its clever. Leave it.