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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's in her genes. . .

At Emerson's 2 year check-up, we found out that she needed glasses. Of course this wasn't surprising to me since I had noticed her left eye wandering and her squinting. So, off we went to the optometrist to start spending her inheritance on her first pair of glasses. I let the people talk me into wire frames since they were more durable for her age group and Emerson picked out a cute pair of Dora glasses. However, after we got home and they were too big and the nose pieces were always uncomfortable looking, I knew I had made a mistake. Too bad though because we'd dropped a chunk of change and Daddy-O wasn't feeling the "I don't like them, can we buy her another pair" attitude I had. So, for almost a year we suffered through those glasses. We were constantly repairing them. Since they were too big we had to cut off the arms and add wrap around ear pieces. Let me just warn you if you ever are in that situation that it is a bad idea to have an ear piece that pulls off on any glasses, much less the glasses of a toddler. So, this past month I have not been enforcing the "you can't see out of your left eye, put on your glasses" law because the Dora glasses were scratched beyond help. Thankfully, Emerson had a scheduled appt. for last week and when we went I was briefly lectured on the importance of Emerson wearing her glasses (as if I didn't know since I'm blind too) until he held up her glasses and declared them almost impossible to see anything clearly out of them. Then once again, I dug into the wallet and forked over $218.00 for new glasses (no, that didn't include the eye exam which was $50!). However, I'm really not complaining because truthfully I was ready for Emerson to have some comfortable cute glasses and I'm happy they survived almost a year with a toddler and new baby in the house. All that to say, this time we picked out what I think may be the cutest little pair of glasses I've ever seen. They're cute, sassy and pink! They fit Emerson's personality and best of all she picked them out right away. She loves seeing herself in them and better still she loves being able to see again. Oh, and Emerson would definitely want me to share the exciting fact that they came with their own pocket book eyeglass holder that has Princess written on it in rhinestones. . .tacky, but cute!


apewylde said...

She is such a little Diva! I love her glasses. :)

Unknown said...

How cute! They look adorable!