Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Their cuteness is overwhelming!

This is what happens when I say "stay still so I can take a picture of you"

And yet another try. . .

Here's the shot of her hair with 2 french braids, soooo sweet!
Posted by Catherine at 11:30 AM 0 comments
A worthy cause
We all know about cancer and Relay for Life. We hear about it all the time and it is definitely a worthy cause. But there many other diseases that affect peoples lives each and every day that we don't hear about as often. Diabetes is one of the life changing illnesses which cannot be put into remission or cured. It affects 20 million Americans alone. My brother, Earl, is just one of those people affected by diabetes. He was diagnosed 20 years ago with Type 1 diabetes. This means that his pancreas doesn't function properly and supply him with the life saving insulin that he needs. When he was 14 he began his journey. Back then he had to take his blood sugar numerous times a day and give himself 3 or 4 shots of insulin daily. (Imagine being an 8th grader who suddenly has to give up sugar and be actively responsible for your daily health, not as easy task!) Several years ago he was able to get an insulin pump which supplies him with a constant dose of insulin mimicking more closely how his pancreas should be functioning. However, he is still not cured. He has to give himself boosts of insulin with his pump each day and continue to monitor his blood sugar. He still has diabetes and unless there is a cure he always will. He, along with 20 million other people live each day with diabetes. I pray that in his lifetime or his children's (he has 1 daughter and 1 more on the way!!!) that diabetes will be cured. Of course that is only possible with more research. My brother is actively a part of raising money for a cure by cycling in the upcoming Tour de Cure. Please check out Earl's Tour de Cure website and consider being a part of a cure for diabetes by donating to this worthy cause.
Posted by Catherine at 11:05 AM 1 comments